Past events

Film Screening & Talks

Feminist/Queer Activism in China

Harmonie Kino Frankfurt

7 August 2022

Freiburg am Breisgau

17 March 2023

  • We are Here(我们在这里) | Shi Tou / Zhao Jing | 2015 | 58 Min | Documentary | CHINA (PRC) | Original with English subtitles

    How is queer activism/movement portrayed in mainland China? How about the feminist revolution? In the late 90s towards the beginning of the Millennium, a group of social activists, socially-engaged artists, and academics who engaged in speaking up for diversity and gender equality built queer/feminist communities to empower women and sexual minorities. They strive to re-think gender hierarchy, re-define the identity of women, and recast the discourse of gender/ sexuality. Decades later, these beautiful memories and precious experiences play a significant role in the queer and feminist history in China, which illuminates hope and light of freedom, and paves a way for new generations in the future.

  • Panel talk + Q&A: Feminist/Queer movement in China

    In the panel talk, we will invite Dian Dian to talk about the feminist and queer movement in China, who will share personal experiences of being a feminist and queer social activist and advocating gender equality. The panel will focus on the crucial role and efforts of lesbian in the social movement, emphasizing the predicament of being marginalized and oppressed by heterosexist patriarchal society; how the feminist and queer movement in China differentiates from its Western counterpart, particularly in the context of globalization, and how is movement of gender/sexuality in China confronted with challenges in the current socio-political discourse.

Flyer for the Feminist/Queer Activism in China Screenings

Multiple Identities and Anti-Asian Racism

Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München, Munich

14 December 2022

By screening four short films with the theme on anti-Asian racism, followed by after- screening panel talks with filmmakers and guests, the event aims to craft dialogues with the audience, particularly with those who are traumatized by the racist/sexist experience. Also, gender/sexuality plays a role in the anti-racism narratives, highlighting the intersectional identities and multiple oppressions of the marginalized voices. We would like to invite the audience to reflect on their own identities and privileges on the topic and strive to create a safe space for exchanging, communicating, and discussing the everyday practice of anti- racism.


  • Safe Distance (安全距離), Jamie Chi, 51min 17s, OmeU, 2021
  • Sitting on My Face (Assis sur mon visage / 坐在我脸上), Guangli Liu, 14min 41s, Ome+fU, 2022
  • Thursday afternoon at Cite Universitaire of Paris (Jeudi après-midi à Cité internationale universitaire de Paris / 周四下午的巴黎大学城), Haichuan Xu, 4min 38s, OmeU, 2021
  • Bonus: Brumm, Brumm, Zhiwen Ding, 45s, Ome+dU, 2022
  • Panel talk with filmmakers Guangli Liu and Haichuan Xu and co-curator Pei (Queer Squad), Prof. Dr. Astride Velho ( HFF Anti-Discrimination Counselor).
Flyer for the Multiple Identities and Anti-Asian Racism Screenings

Shanghai Queer

Pupille, Frankfurt am Main

26 October 2022

Chasing the collective memories of LGBTQ+ community in Shanghai, the documentary depicts a fascinating storytelling and queer landscape in this city, which presents social activism on gender/sexuality, equality and rights, experience and desire from various perspectives of scholars, activists, artists, who engage into queer movement in the transformation of urban spaces. Through a gender lens, the documentary illustrates queer- related issues and grass-root activism fighting for LGBTQ+ rights.

Flyer for the Shanghai Queer Screenings

2022 Pride Month Screenings


22 & 30 July 2022

Co-curated with Riparian Showcase Hamburg.


  • A Day of Trans 跨性一天 | Yennefer Fang | 20min | 2020 | Documentary | CHINA (PRC)
  • Post-screening online Q&A and panel talk: Medical Regulations of Transgender in mainland China+ Q&A session by Hannibalz
  • Madame 姑奶奶 |Qiu Jiongjiong | 120min | 2013 | Documentary | CHINA (PRC)
  • Our Story – 10-year 'Guerrilla Warfare' of Beijing Queer Film Festival | Yang Yang | 42min | 2011 | Documentary | CHINA (PRC)
  • Panel talk: How do we practice queer/feminist activism outside China? by Pei
Flyer for the 2022 Pride Month Screenings

Reading Club

Queerfeminist Reading Club: Gender Outlaw, On Men, Women, and the Rest of Us


4 March 2023

Flyer for the Queerfeminist Reading Club: Gender OutLaw

Feminist Reading Club

Frankfurt am Main

19 November 2022

Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women's Anger

In this reading club, we want to read about the power of anger. It is the feminist movement and anger that helps us find each other. To fight against oppression, to put our words into action and shout at patriarchal society. Stay angry, embrace the anger rage.

Flyer for the Feminist Reading Club: Good and Mad

Queerfeminist Reading Club: Shanghai Lala, Female Tongzhi Communities and Politics in Urban China


8-9 October 2022

Flyer for the Queerfeminist Reading Club: Shanghai Lala

Workshops, Meetups & Talks

Relating in grief and resistance: Care Walk

Frankfurt am Main

8 March 2023

Co-organised with Feminisitsches Streikkolletiv Frankfurt am Main .

Queer/feminist relationships are characterized by grief and resistance. From the situations we find ourselves in, we FLINTAs develop a sense of the specific violence we face; in encounters with each other, we learn to notice our different situations and consider them in our queer/feminist struggles. Our care for each other includes emotional and material, social and transnational aspects. It is uncomfortable and remains unfinished in a patriarchal, capitalist, and racist world that forces us to confront internalized oppression and resist the social conditions.

The 8M Care Walk is a walk along places where we struggle and learn, care and grieve, develop resilience from our relationships with each other, critique each other, and counter the untenable conditions with our versions of queer/feminist organizing. (by FemStreik)

Flyer for the Care Walk

Experimental Performance: Chinoiserie Grand Gay Wedding by Yumo & Ziwei

Frankfurt am Main

24 February 2023

This wedding tells a story of Chinese queers living in diaspora. This wedding denounces heteronormative marriage that reduces people to walking wombs, dish rags, breast pumps, sex slaves. exotic Szechuan spice, and unholy virgin of patriarchy. This wedding questions what it means when the law says“marriage for all”. This wedding celebrates free love, friendship, sisterhood, immigrants, your European passports and our Chineseness, which brings us both joy and pain.

Flyer for the Grand Gay Wedding Flyer for the Grand Gay Wedding

Workshop: Making Your Own Spring Couplets

Frankfurt am Main

14 January 2023

Let's celebrate the lunar new year 2023 with our own DIY spring couplets!

Queer feminist topic spring couplets making workshop. We prepare all the materials and drinks! Join us and make your own spring couplets this year!!!

Flyer for the Spring Couplets workshop

Workshop "Who am I?" - Migrating Identity


3 September 2022

Curated with 德国派PIE.

How many times that people tell you to "integrate" into the White mainstream society, or do you fee like "excluded" in terms of your skin color, nationality or political views. Sometimes we find ourselves in the predicament of being gazed at, questioned and represented; sometimes we cannot find our way back "home"; sometimes we have to "prove" ourselves to be accepted and respected.

In the workshop, participants are welcomed to explore identities and those confused moments; to find possibilities, and embrace them.

Flyer for the 'Who am I: migrating identity' workshop

Community Meetup: Frankfurt CSD Pride March 2022

Frankfurt am Main

16 July 2023

Embrace queerness and speak for the diversity of Chinese queers!

Flyer for the 2022 Frankfurt CSD Pride March meetup

Identity Workshop: Have You Ever Been Shocked by Cultural Differences?

Frankfurt am Main

15 July 2022

Identity seems to be an inevitable topic in the Chinese diasporic community. Identity crisis could not only engender psychological conflicts getting lost in the social roles, but even bring about discontinuity of one’s personality development; it is about coping with cultural shock, overcoming the language barriers, and the split generated by different cultures and values. However, multiculturalism indeed offers diasporas abundant perspectives and experiences, which broadens boundaries of mindset.

It is not simply just a cultural conflict between the "cold White person" and the "introverted Yellow person", when we are confronted with challenges and predicament; rather an identity ambivalence (or conflict?) that is highlighted by social and personal development. For Chinese diasporas, it could be a new "Eastern vs. Western debate". How to explore the answers to the question of identity and how to find one's role in German society? Every Chinese diasporic body is both a witness to the "identity crisis" and an activist striving to break through the obstacles.

This event aims to create a space to craft dialogue for Chinese diasporas, to share our experience and daily practice and to talk about identity "crisis" that is either "dramatic" or "natural".

Flyer for the Identity Workshop